Pentecost Sermon 2021
Sermon: Sunday 18th April 2021
One year on: a chance to pause and honour those who are no longer with us
Sermon: Sunday 21st February 2021
Sermon: Sunday 14th February 2021
Sermon: 27th December 2020 (Luke 2: 22-40)
This is the sermon for 27th December 2020 (St. Andrew’s is closed this week due to heightened Tier 3 restrictions). The text for this week is Luke 2: 22-40
Sermon: 20th December 2020
This is the sermon for Sunday 20th December based on the text: Luke 1: 26-38
Sermon: 13th December 2020
This is the sermon for 13th December 2020. The text is The Gospel of John 1: 6-8, 19-28
Sermon: 6th December 2020
Today’s sermon is based on the Gospel reading - Mark 1: 1-8
Sermon: Advent Sunday (29th November) 2020
Hello, this is our Advent Sunday Sermon. The bible passage it is linked to is Mark 13: 24-37.
As this is the first Sunday of the church year - Happy New (Church) Year, please stay safe.
Sermon: 22nd November 2020
Hello. This is the sermon for Sunday 22nd November 2020. This is an extract from the Morning Worship video and is on the theme of Matthew 25: 31-46.